時間:2023-02-27 11:21:03
關鍵詞:高校 畢業論文 思維差異 負遷移
Mohan&Lo認為,在語句層面上分析ESL/EFL的文章時會出現“正遷移”(positive transfer)和“負遷移”(negativetransfer)。起積極促進作用的影響為“正遷移”,起消極阻礙作用的影響為“負遷移”[1](P515)由于中西思維的差異,受漢語負遷移作用,中國學生學習英語在不同方面不同程度地受到影響。筆者通過多年對英語專業本科生英美文學方向論文寫作的指導,發現論文中普遍存在的問題有選題不夠新穎,過于集中;格式不夠規范;上下文邏輯聯系不緊密等。除此之外,本科生畢業論文中的語言是最大的問題。
(一)詞匯方面的負遷移(1) NathanielHawthorne, a Calvinistwho felt shamefulabouthis ancestors’wrong doings and was influenced by theChristian’s view of“original sin”, believed that humankindwere born sinfu.l改:NathanielHawthorne, a Calvinistwho felt shameful a-bouthis ancestors’misdeeds and was influenced by the Chris-tian’s view of“original sin”, believed that humankind wereborn sinfu.l(2) At the ending place of the nove,l there is a conversa-tion between Nick and thewaiterGeorge.
改: At the end of nove,l there is a conversation betweenNick and thewaiterGeorge.
(3)In aword, the function thatO-Lan takes in the fami-ly can notbe replaced byWang Lung.
改: In a word, the role thatO-Lan plays in the familycan notbe replaced byWang Lung.
在英語詞匯學習中,學生容易受到母語的干擾,他們往往習慣從外語詞匯中尋找漢語思維所需詞匯的對應物,殊不知真正在概念意義上完全等同的對應物卻很少。以上例句均選自近兩年我系畢業生的論文,是具有代表性的“Ch-inglish”表達法。如句(1)中,學生想用“錯誤行為”一詞,受漢語影響,很自然地就用到了“wrong doing”,而這一漢語式的英語詞語,是在英語中找不到的,也是錯誤的,正確的表達法應為“misdeed”。在句(2)中,學生要表達的漢語意思是“結尾之處”,與漢語一一對應的英語詞就成了“ending place”,而在英語中,只用“end”一詞即可,漢語式的英語既顯得累贅又影響了表達。句(3)中的錯誤主要在于動詞搭配不當,學生在此想表達“所起的作用”這一含意,故而使用了“take the function”這一短語,而在英語里根本沒這種表達法,正確的詞組是“play the role”。因此,在詞匯教學時,首先要打破學生尋找中文對應詞的幻想,鼓勵學生充分利用字典,養成閱讀英文注釋的習慣。同時,一定要注重全面性,不能只局限于課本語境中出現的意義和用法,而是適量補充其它的常見用法和搭配,做到使學生在增加詞匯數量的同時,加深對詞匯的理解,全面地掌握詞匯的用法,從而排除漢語習慣的迷惑和影響,降低和避免負遷移的產生。
(二)句法方面的負遷移1.句子結構松散(4) The world is cold, indifferent, and essentially God-less andman was no longer free in any sense of theword.
改:Living in a cold, indifferent, and essentially godlessworld, man was no longer free in any sense of theworld.
(5) Men have lounged and crouched around their fires;they have been the companions of their dreams and meditati-ons.
改:Men have lounged and crouched around their fires,which have been the companions of their dreams and meditati-ons.Men have lounged and crouched around their fires―the companions of their dreams andmeditations.
2.句子結構不平衡(6) The cottagewas situated on a hillwhich had a splen-did view from everywindow.
改:On a hillwas situated the cottage, which had a splen-did view from everywindow.
(7) Thus James became probably the first of the modernpsychological analysts in the novel by emphasizing the innerawareness and inward movements of the characters in face ofoutsice occurrences rather than merely delineating their envi-ronment in any detail改:Thus James, by emphasizing the inner awareness andinward movements of the characters in face of outsice occur-rences rather than merely delineating their environment in anydetai,l became probably the first of the modern psychologicalanalysts in the nove.l英語中為了保持句子平衡,常采用主謂倒裝、賓語后置、狀語后置等及其它成分位置變換,而在漢語中只要表達流暢,意思完整就可以了。這種情況下的漢語負遷移致使學生在論文寫作過程中以漢語句式為主,不考慮英語句子的平衡性,反而影響了表達的準確性。如句6如果按漢語的表達習慣和方式是不會引起歧義的,可是英語句式也按漢語的順序,就讓人不明白定語從句到底修飾的是哪個先行詞,是cottage呢,還是hill呢?如果把句子倒裝一下,意思就很清楚了,而且也符合英語的表達方式。句7因為狀語過長,放在句尾顯得頭輕腳重,使句子失去平衡,如果把狀語前置,就可避免這一現象。
3.忽略英漢主語的差別英語常采用非生物作主語(失靈句),而漢語常以人稱作主語(有靈句)(8) He got the experience with the People and the coun-try, this furnished both the material and guiding sprit for hisepic, Leaves ofGrass, which is the first edition came out in1855.
改: This experience with the People and the country fur-nished both the material and the guiding spirit for his epic,Leaves ofGrass, the first edition ofwhich came out in 1855.
又如以下句子,經過主語改換后,去掉了漢語腔,顯得表達直接又準確(9) The rich is becoming richer and the poor is becomingpoorerwith the increasing industralization andmecnanization ofthe country.
改: Increasing industrialization and mechanization of thecountry produced extremes ofwealth and poverty.
(10)“Modern America”emerged in the post-bellum.
改:The post-bellum witnessed the emergence of“Mod-ern America”.